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Showing posts with label Balinese Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Balinese Music. Show all posts

Balinese Music

There are many kind of Balinese Traditional Music.


Gender is kind of Balinese music, consist of four main instrument. This music played for Wayang performance. There are many traditional song can be played using Gender instrument, such as Sekar Sungsang, Sudhamala, Cerukcuk Punyah, Mungkah, etc. Nowadays, Gender also played when Balinese conduct Pawiwahan (Marriage) Ceremony and reception party.

Bale Ganjur

Angklung / Klentangan
The Angklung instrument usually played when Balinese conducting Ngaben (Cremation) Ceremony. The rhythm of the Angklung reflects the sadness, openness, and also hope of the people who conduct the Cremation Ceremony.

Jegog is bamboo instrument, played in a group of players.





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